nextgen + vva partnership

NextGen met VVA where they were in the fundraising continuum to expand their program through strategic acquisition campaigns, growing both revenue and number of donors by researching market propensity, testing creative and tactics, and mining the current donor base for opportunities. 

We've seen tremendous growth and been able to expand strategic goals and operational reach. NextGen researched, advised, and implemented new technologies. We have also provided strategic, creative, and technical support for their digital fundraising campaigns.   

VVA continues to evolve with an ever-more ambitious roadmap for the future. Most importantly, NextGen helped VVA expand their advocacy efforts and resources for new generations of veterans and their families.

Donation form assessment & upgrade

NextGen successfully migrated VVA to a new donation processing platform, increasing digital revenue YoY by 78%. As part of the transition, we assessed VVA’s current forms and found a suitable alternative with a high conversion rate.   


Identified Problems

Determined what was causing a lack of conversions.


Established Priorities/Needs

Streamlined forms, customizable confirmation page, ability to collect honor/memorial gifts, and promote sustainer giving.  


Researched & Compared

What donation form platforms need the identified needs?


Shared Findings

Organized research and suggestions to share with VVA stakeholders.


Made the Transition

Assisted VVA with the account set up, source coding, and data export to their CRM.  


Added Customization

Created an updated confirmation page and email autoresponder welcome series to onboard and reinforce VVA’s mission. 

Donation form assessment & upgrade (cont.)

After a refresh/relaunch of all donation forms, results were overwhelmingly positive:   

  • Average gift increased from $28 to $72. 
  • 81% of donors covered transaction fees. 
  • 52% used the suggested amount.  
  • 15% used one-click payment methods.  
  • 78% increase in annual digital revenue.  
  • 52% increase in the number of gifts. 

text message marketing

NextGen's texting partner has a strong understanding of fundraising and engagement tactics—working exclusively with nonprofits and political organizations to build, engage, and nurture audiences.

90% text message open rate

Cross-channel promotion is critical in building a texting program. This includes adding the shortcode to donation, email, and event sign-up forms. 

As an organization that communicates differently with Vietnam veteran members vs other audiences, VVA could greatly benefit from segmentation capabilities that allow for tailored messaging.

display & social media


NextGen is a Meta Agency Partner, with extensive expertise in Facebook and Instagram. We guide VVA on how to best communicate with and grow audiences on social channels, providing copy, creative, and calendars.

Additionally, we create and manage effective display campaigns for VVA that act as an additional touchpoint and reminder to give. They are critical to full-funnel digital acquisition and support an overall lift to giving.

According to our DSP, VVA's CYE 2023 display campaign saw record levels of on-platform engagement, driving almost 10,000 more clicks than the previous year.

google ads & seo

NextGen is a certified Google Advertising Partner. We know the best tactics to create success for a client’s brand/mission. Our Google Advertising Certifications include Google Search Ads, Google Display Ads, and Google Video Ads.  


VVA's current website does not adhere to best practices for increasing ranking on search engines—something that will be addressed in their upcoming website redesign. As a result, NextGen has assisted in building VVA's paid search advertising efforts to push their message/donation asks to the top position.

Paid search is essential to a comprehensive and effective digital fundraising strategy. While other channels like social and display act as "billboards" more often for prospects, search ads meet people with high intent as they actively seek out VVA/veterans organizations.



NextGen is currently in the process of redesigning VVA's website to create a more user-friendly experience that better shares the organization's mission and work.

Our main website updates/additions include:

  • Add email capture to grow list and cultivate new sign-ups with a welcome series
  • Reorganize/consolidate upper navigation
  • Improve mobile responsiveness
  • Update landing page content 

email program (segmentation)


A strong email fundraising strategy continues to serve as a strong backbone of any digital program. Our digital strategy covers the entire donor journey from prospect to donor, building affinity for your organization. 

NextGen has hands-on technical and design experience and is ready to support, troubleshoot, and contribute as needed. We have up-to-date knowledge of CRMs, digital marketing toolsets and platforms, along with design expertise in Adobe. 

We know how important it is to get the right message to the right audience. Working with internal teams and any existing data points, NextGen can provide structured onboarding and tailored donor journeys. 

email program (sustainer)


We analyze your current sustainer program and make recommendations focused on three key tactics: 

  • Sustainer Recruitment: We strategize dedicated multi-channel sustainer recruitment-focused campaigns, utilizing tested fundraising techniques and sophisticated segmentation to drive conversion and acquisition.  
  • Retention/Upgrade: Our strategy focuses on frequent communication, donor stewardship, and exclusive sustainer “benefits” to entice donors to convert to monthly giving. 
  • Tracking/Analysis: These strategies include the architecture of automation solutions for lapsed or lapsing monthly donors and credit-card auto-updaters to keep sustainer revenue and retention rates high.  

data & reporting dashboards


NextGen Digital Dashboards take a deep dive into results from our digital advertising platforms. We have a wide range of flexibility to create individualized reports for your campaigns. You can easily track the most successful creative, keywords, device use, and demographic information.

data privacy


A critical component of supporting integrated, multichannel marketing efforts is keen awareness of privacy policies and new regulations in the digital landscape.  

Organic and paid acquisition provide a balanced approach to list building. Key to both is first-party consent: failure to include transparent opt-in language can lead to both an alienated user experience as well as violation of GDPR, CCPA, and CASL rules, which, in turn, could result in your organization getting blacklisted.    

Audiences are becoming increasingly concerned with how organizations safeguard their personal data, and they will look to you as a reputable institution to cultivate a safe online experience. We have experience responding to these sensitivities and/or inquiries that will prioritize donor trust. 

NextGen holds our vendor partners to the same exacting standards of client service, privacy, and accountability as we do our own employees.